I hear this question at least once a party, usually followed by..."because that would be a rather embarrassing trip to the emergency room!" For those of you that don't know, ben wa balls are metal marble like balls that get inserted to aid in your pelvic floor exercises. They can even be used during sex to stimulate your g-spot...oh la la! Seriously though, it's not like they can go rolling around inside your body all helter skelter, you won't sneeze and then end up with one flying our your nose or mouth (yep I was asked that once too!)
If you have done jumping jacks, sneezed, laughed too hard, or jumped on a trampoline and felt that perhaps you leaked a bit, and by bit I mean ______, feel free to fill in the blank there, then chances are your pelvic floor might need a little (alot of) toning.
There are a few things I now recommend though after hearing one women's personal story about having her ben wa balls fall out in a crowded Walmart. Number one, please please PLEASE wear underwear, now while I would personally recommend you wear it all the time, at the very least slip on a pair if you are using either ben wa balls or something like it. Secondly don't be waltzing around doing errands if you don't have a good grasp on them, good PC muscles can take years to develop, not minutes or days. So start using them at home and go from there! And last but certainly not least, if your child yells "Marble!" and goes running toward a questionable round object on the floor in a public place, run like hell to intercept them!
Here's a little trivia for you all! The original pelvic toning device was the perineometer invented by Arnold Kegel, however his device was a combination of rubber balloons and tubes that measured pressure using a column of water, needless to say it was difficult to use and anything but portable. Just imagine the embarrassment if that fell out from between your legs in the middle of Walmart!
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